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We publish weekly updates from the business continuity world, covering recent news items or reflecting on our travels and experiences with clients.

Charlie addresses topics from a Business Continuity perspective and you might be surprised how much of today’s news relates to BC! Providing valuable insight, Charlie raises critical questions which will surely encourage you to reconsider your Business Continuity plans.

Case Study Zouma: Don’t Mess With Cats…

This week, Charlie comments on how Raith Rovers and West Ham (Zouma) have handled their recent PR incidents, and what we as business continuity professionals can take away from that. I am not a big fan of football being a rugby man myself, so I am a little surprised to find myself writing about football two weeks in

Location, Location, Location! With What3words

In this week’s bulletin, Charlie talks about why determining an accurate location during an emergency is important, and how you can incorporate this into your emergency plan. When responding to an incident it’s critically important to understand the location of the incident, so that internal support and the emergency services know exactly where to go. During an incident,

Hypercomplexity: Which Incidents Should We Be Preparing For?

In this week’s bulletin, I discuss the idea of a hypercomplex world and preparing for different scenarios in it. A few weeks ago, I wrote a bulletin on scenario planning and how under the new requirement of Operational Resilience for FCA and PRA, regulated organisations now have a requirement to determine ‘extreme but plausible scenarios’ to see if

What types of incident is business continuity meant to deal with?

This week I discuss why having a clear scope of the incidents that business continuity is designed to deal with is important within your organisation. Scope of incidents Yesterday I had a good chat with a member of the Business Continuity Board, who is also an FBCI and has been involved in writing many of the ISO standards, so he

The Effects of Stress on Incident Management Teams

This week I look at stress and the impact it can have on teams and individuals during incidents. I am busy reading a paper by Mica Endsley titled ‘Towards a Theory of Situational Awareness in Dynamic Systems’, which I have been looking forward to reading for a while! I find the whole process of incident management and how

Achieving situational awareness during an incident

Following last week’s bulletin, I share some ideas on how to implement and carry out situational awareness when responding to an incident. Last week we talked about the process of situational awareness during an incident and how all the activities come together to achieve good awareness of the situation we are managing an incident within. Today I thought I would

The Effects of Stress on Incident Management Teams

This week I look at stress and the impact it can have on teams and individuals during incidents. I am busy reading a paper by Mica Endsley titled ‘Towards a Theory of Situational Awareness in Dynamic Systems’, which I have been looking forward to reading for a while! I find the whole process of incident management and how

Building an Incident Team Competency Framework

Charlie outlines his ideas on building an incident team competency framework. This week I thought I would share some ideas I have been developing on incident management. They are not fully solidified yet, so I would welcome any thoughts or comments on what I have written. There are many lessons organisations will learn from COVID-19, but one of

Why we are entering the most dangerous period of coronavirus.

Why, for many organisations, we are entering the most dangerous period of coronavirus. This week Charlie discusses why we are entering the most dangerous period of coronavirus for many businesses. In the first few months of the coronavirus outbreak, everyone was ‘in it together’ and people understood why organisations were not able to deliver their services or be

Decision Making During a Crisis – Decision Making Models

This week I look at what tools and techniques are available to help those leading incident teams on how to make decisions during a crisis. This week I have spent eight hours in conference calls, working with a dedicated team to go through the suggested amendments on ISO 22361 which is going to replace prTS17091 ‘Crisis management – Guidance for

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