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We publish weekly updates from the business continuity world, covering recent news items or reflecting on our travels and experiences with clients.

Charlie addresses topics from a Business Continuity perspective and you might be surprised how much of today’s news relates to BC! Providing valuable insight, Charlie raises critical questions which will surely encourage you to reconsider your Business Continuity plans.

Do Application RTOs and RPOs ‘Work’ During a Cyber Incident?

In this week’s bulletin, Charlie covers the important use of RTOs (Recovery Time Objectives) and RPOs (Recovery Point Objectives) in response to a cyber-attack. This week, I have been teaching a Cyber Incident Management course in Frankfurt. One of the discussions was whether the RTOs and RPOs we capture in the BIA (Business Impact Analysis) are suitable and

Is Business Continuity One of the Victims of COVID?

In today’s bulletin, Charlie discusses his thoughts on the industry that is business continuity and how he believes COVID has negatively impacted it. Nothing particular in the news piqued my interest this week, therefore, I decided to give my thoughts on ‘Is Business Continuity One of the Victims of COVID?’. I think in a number of areas, business

Demonstrating business continuity’s return on investment

ROI on budget? Worried about your business continuity budget? This week I discuss how to demonstrate BC’s return on investment within your organisation. Every year you get a budget of £20,000 (some of you are already saying “I wish”) and you have this money to deliver your business continuity programme. Your organisation buys into business continuity as it feels

Business Continuity Capability – What is it and do I need it?

This week I look at why building capability is important for implementing your business continuity plan. Building an Incident Team Competence Framework This week I have been working on building an Incident Team Competence Framework for a client. It is two parts, the first part is a self-assessment of an incident team member’s knowledge of their organisation’s plans and

The Business Continuity Manager’s role in the recovery phase of coronavirus

This week I discuss the role of the Business Continuity Manager in dealing with the recovery phrase of coronavirus. Many of the lockdown restrictions have been lifted and are moving on apace, even in Scotland we are able to do more today and even more on Monday, although I haven’t quite worked out what that is. So I thought

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