Crisis Management for Business

PlanB will help prepare your organisation to manage a crisis by sharing our extensive experience and embedding crisis management skills within your teams

Crisis Management Plans

Crisis Management requires both effective teams and effective plans. Our Crisis Management Plans create robust frameworks for your organisation to manage any incident and communicate with stakeholders.  

Training Your Crisis
Management Team

It is essential that your Crisis Management Team have the skill and knowledge to effectively manage a crisis. The business’ reputation is at stake.

Crisis Management

PlanB will plan the exercise with you to make sure that the exercise objectives are achieved and the scenario suits the business and the risks and threats it faces. 

Crisis Team Performance Assessment

When conducting a series of exercises over time, it is useful to have the team’s performance assessed to demonstrate continual improvement. 

Crisis Communication Training

PlanB Consulting can train your Crisis Management Team and Crisis Comms Team to effectively manage the internal and external communication during an incident. 

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