Cyber Incident Response

Having a robust Cyber Management Plan in place is only one piece of the puzzle; having educated buy-in from your Senior Managers is equally important to the plan’s success.

The impact of a Cyber Incident can have a devastating impact on an organisations reputation and share price. The effective management of an organisation’s non-Technical response is critical to its survival following the Cyber-attack.

PlanB Consulting focuses on the non-technical aspects of cyber security, with the key focus on the human aspects surrounding  the management of cyber breaches. Such considerations include; what is considered as best practice in the cyber realm, how end users utalise and respond to cyber scenarios, as well as highlighting key policy issues, and much of this boils down to effective training.

IT professionals can deal with the technical aspect of a cyber-attack; however, many other roles are involved in the human security response, and such roles must understand best practice regarding security and need to understand how attacks may occur, may this be through insider threats or through human error. PlanB Consulting can provide such training to ensure your organisation can further enhance the human element of cyber resilience. 

Cyber Security Consultancy – Gap Analysis and Audit

No matter how much time, money and effort we spend on security, no system can be 100% secure and therefore we should prepare our organisations to manage a breach.  

Cyber Briefings for
Senior Managers / C-suite

Cyber briefings for Chairman, Non-Executive Directors and C-Suite. Ensure that your Senior Management Team understand the threat, the existing/current level of resilience and what they will face during a cyber incident.


PlanB Consulting offers a range of cyber incident response exercises for organisations to explore and practise their cyber incident response plans.  

Upskilling Incident Management Team – Cyber Incident Management

PlanB Consulting can train your Cyber Incident Management Team on how to prepare for and then respond to a cyber incident.

Cyber Plan Writing &
Developing Cyber Playbooks

At its most basic, a playbook is a checklist of actions. A cyber playbook is a checklist of actions to undertake in the event of a cyber incident. 

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