Travel Security Assessment and Response

The Japanese earthquake, the Icelandic volcano, COVID-19 and the Arab spring have all affected business travellers, and many companies have realised that they did not have adequate procedures, protocols and structures in place for reacting to events and for looking after their staff.

Travel Security Assessment & Response

After COVID your staff will want to start to travel again outside their home country. As foreign travel becomes more ubiquitous staff become more blase about travel and the risk it entails especially in a country that has a different language, culture and ways of working. The countries facilities may not be as well developed as in your country. Organisations have a duty of care to make sure that staff are properly aware of the risks before they travel, the risk is proportionate to the reward in making the trip, how not to become a victim and how to react if staff are caught up or impacted by an incident. The organisations should be able to be contacted 24/7 to be able to offer assistance to staff. This is in addition to any support from the organisation’s insurer. The organisation needs to be able to form an incident team to manage the situation and support the member of staff.

There is a wide variety of different incidents staff could get involved in:

  • Illness
  • Accident
  • Mugging; and losing all their money and having no means of communicating
  • Arrested
  • Caught up in a terrorist attack
  • Caught up in a natural disaster
  • An incident happening in the country but staff member not involved but should be reported to say they are safe
  • Pandemic and stranded or quarantined 
  • Go missing

PlanB Consulting can work with your organisation to develop plans and procedures for travel security assessment with the following:

  • Develop procedures and a risk assessment for staff pre-travel
  • Advice on emergency medical supplies and first aid kits
  • 24/7 call out and development of an emergency card for staff
  • Cyber and information security when travelling
  • Staff briefing of particular threats and how to respond
    • Mugging
    • Terrorist attacks
    • Crowds & unrest
    • Maurading terrorists and attacks on hotels 
    • Illness
    • Accident

Train your incident teams for dealing with staff incident abroad including response to specific types of incidents:

  • Illness and hospitalisation
  • Car accident
  • Kidnap
  • Death abroad
  • Arrest

We have carried out a wide range of different exercises to practice incident teams managing the repose to a travel incident.

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