Business Continuity Audits Maturity Assessments

We can review your present level of business continuity provisions, and audit them against our maturity assessment.

PlanB Consulting has extensive experience conducting Buiness Continuity Audits. A Business Continuity Audit will help you to identify the existing level of Business Continuity preparedness within your organisation, and compare it against pre-agreed standards. 

Business Continuity Assessment: PlanB Consulting has developed a Business Continuity Maturity Model, that compares your capabilities against industry standards and best practise, showing clear steps for improvement. The results are collated and presented in a report format which will provide an overall score along with a list of recommendations that should be carried out. 

The audit report provides useful comparisons against international standards and sets a clear programme for improvements enhancing the overall resilience and robustness of your business. 

PlanB can design your business continuity audit to meet the specific requirements of the business, at that time. The audits can vary, ranging from a full BCM of the entire organisation to smaller more specific areas of the business.


Matrurity Assessment – Government finance organisation

PlanB initially produced a gap analysis for this organisation to establish the maturity of its BC Management System (BCMS). This involved a detailed document review and interviews with senior and operational management. A Gap Analysis report was submitted to them detailing a roadmap for improving BC arrangements and measures to take to align with ISO 22301. Following the report, the organisation engaged PlanB to implement the recommendations made. PlanB subsequently developed an Operations Manual for the BCMS, ran a series of exercises for senior management and tested a work area recovery site. PlanB has also provided a number of consultancy days to support BC personnel ad hoc, as required. 

PlanB was reengaged on a three-year contract to provide a programme of training and exercises for tactical and strategic responders and further BCMS consultancy support.

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