Business Continuity as a Service

We help businesses to develop their Business Continuity provision and provide continued support to the organisation to keep their BCMS up to date.

Instead of a one-off continuity exercise, our Business Continuity as a Service BCaaS solution works to embed resiliency and preparedness into the foundations of your business.

Instead of creating a one-off plan that is annually reviewed and updated, BCaaS ensures your plans stay relevant and up-to-date.  We can provide BCMS support, audits, gap analysis and consultations for organisations who want to align with ISO22301 or are required to certify themselves to the standard.

Our BCaaS solutions are compliant with the Business Continuity Management lifecycle model, set out in BCI’s Good Practice Guidelines.

Why Choose PlanB Consulting to manage your BCMS?


We offer a fixed cost BCaaS product allowing Business Continuity to be built into your business’s annual budget.


You will receive ongoing expert ongoing support by qualified practitioner.


We can include the industry leading Castellan software in any package.

Our service ensures that your business continuity plans are never out of date and takes advantage of the latest tools and techniques.

  • Perhaps most importantly, we ensure you are always incident ready.
  • You will always have expert assistance and support at the end of the phone.
  • We take care of your BC requirements so that you can concentrate on growing your business.
  • Our BCaaS solution is cost effective for organisations who cannot justify the cost of a full time Business Continuity Manager. We offer a number of different models and costs within this service.
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